Use Biotin Gummies To Help With Hair Loss

Biotin Gummies:
Why Hair Loss Happens
First let’s discuss those reasons for hair loss. In some cases, there is more than one reason for hair loss occurring, so it’s important to evaluate everything. You don’t want to fix one problem only to find out things aren’t any better because you didn’t take the time to look at the whole picture.
Here are some of the more common reasons for hair loss. Keep in mind this list is not all-inclusive, so you may find there are other reasons as well at play.
It’s sad but true, some hair loss can simply be chalked up to genetics. If this is the case for you, chances are you will never stop your hair loss as you are destined to have thinner hair. The good news is there are products that can help you conceal thinner hair, making it look naturally thicker.
Hormonal Birth Control
If you’re a woman who has just come off birth control pills or has just gone on, don’t be surprised if you experience hair loss. While this hair loss may not be permanent and may only be present while you are on the hormonal birth control pills, it’s just as devastating nonetheless.
Alopecia is a medical condition where some or all of your hair actually does fall out. In patients who suffer from this, it’s not abnormal to also notice they are losing eyebrow hair and possibly even eyelash hair.
Because this is an autoimmune disorder, certain medications may help make it better, however those won’t come without side effects and typically when you stop the medication, the hair loss will continue. Likewise, some individuals who are impacted only notice flare ups at certain points in their life where they lose large amounts of hair and then it eventually grows back for a while, only to fall out a short while later.
This condition may cause minor hair loss, making you lose hair in just a small region or it can cause larger scale regions where part of your head is entirely bald.
Dietary Deficiencies
Dietary deficiencies are another common cause of hair loss and luckily, these are very easily treatable – just start getting those nutrients in again.
The most common nutrient deficiencies that can be linked to hair loss include iron, as noted by research published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology1 (and you will typically be suffering from iron-deficiency anemia, vitamin B deficiency, or the opposite, too much vitamin A.
Start either adding more foods that contain these nutrients – steak, beans, fish, and non-citrus fruits or consider supplementation.
If you are going through a very stressful period in your life, don’t be surprised if you notice some of your hair falling out. Stress impacts the body in more ways that most of us realize and can really do a number on your health. Research has illustrated that stress may inhibit the growth of hair, reducing your body’s natural ability to replace hair that is lost daily2.
Look for ways to relax more regularly and know that once you become less stressed, this problem will likely resolve.
Certain medications can also have hair loss as one of the side effects. If you’ve just started a new medication and begun seeing hair loss, it would be worth it to speak to your pharmacist about it. They can let you know if hair loss is a side effect of that particular drug and possibly recommend alternatives you can then ask your doctor about instead.
In some cases, the medication will be necessary regardless because the benefits of it outweigh the cons of experiencing hair loss.
Thyroid Related Problems
If you suffer from hypothyroidism, then be aware that hair loss is a very likely symptom3. This is an easy fix as well – just go get your blood test taken to confirm you are suffering from an underactive thyroid and if it comes back positive, you will likely be placed on thyroid replacement medication, which can then be used to help bring your levels back up to normal. As they rise to where they should be, you’ll likely then find that your hair loss ceases.
In some cases, hyperthyroidism can cause this issue as well, however it’s typically hypothyroidism at the root cause.
It’s exceptionally common for pregnant women to lose hair either during their pregnancy or immediately after for about 6 months following delivery, so don’t panic if you notice this taking place. Chances are good your hair will grow back once your body begins to normalize again.
Pregnancy is a large stress on the body, so it’s no surprise this happens.
Weight Loss
If you’ve recently lost more than a couple of pounds, this may be the root cause behind your hair loss. Wight loss is something that does place the body under great stress once again because you are taking in fewer calories than you would otherwise like to be consuming.
When your weight restabilizes again, this should help resolve many of your hair loss woes.
Combat Hair Loss with Biotin Gummies: